Spring 2018

Spring 2018

Dear friends, This time the newsletter is a little later than usual and that is because it is written live from Malawi by our loyal friend Ruth and very new Kudimba Trustee (!), she has swapped places with Judy, who left Malawi a few weeks ago. “My first impressions...
Christmas 2017

Christmas 2017

Dear friends, Where did 2017 go? Only a year ago we started works on our land… This past year we have achieved so much: it now seems like Cornelio and his family have lived in their new house forever. We have a storeroom to keep our building equipment safely, we have...
Autumn 2017

Autumn 2017

Dear Kudimba Friends, It’s already time for another Kudimba update and we’ve got lots to tell as we have made great progress over the past few months. No-one ever was this enthusiastic about a septic tank before as I am. We are so excited that we finally managed to...
Summer 2017

Summer 2017

Dear friends, Here are some updates in our third Kudimba newsletter. The development on our land in Malawi is going well. Max, Cornelio and William are working hard and every day we are making some progress. Our lovely Judy has spent some time in Lifuwu meeting the...
Spring 2017

Spring 2017

Dear friends, Here is our second Kudimba newsletter and we are so pleased to start our spring update with some very good news. Finally the land issue we had has been cleared. Six months of red tape and unnecessary paper shuffling later – it seems to be the way things...
Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

Dear friends, This is our first Kudimba newsletter. Our plan is to publish a Kudimba update four times per year, one for every season and this Christmas edition is the very first one. Here are our recent project updates:The big news is that our new Kudimba film is...